Gita 1 - Benjamin Park's Website

Semester 1 Projects   Semester 2 Projects

Fish 2D

January 18, 2017

Description: This project uses takes two randomly moving characters, one running away and one trying to catch it, and tracks how many times they've moved, hit a wall, or if the on running away got caught.


January 30, 2017

Description: This project simulates the classic game of Tic-Tac-Toe.

Shooting Game

February 14, 2017

Description: This project uses many timers to create self-moving enemies, bullets, and the overall timer of the game. You control a spaceship and for you to win is to kill all the enemies by shotting them under 60 seconds.


Fevruary 20, 2017

Description: This project puts you in a first person perspective of somewhat traveing in space and seeing the stars pass you..

AI Chase

March 9, 2017

Description: This project has 4 AI's,or enemies, you must kill but at the same time you must keep your distance or you will lose a life. To win you must kill all four without dying.

Star Hunter

March 20, 2017

Description: This game is a single player experience that takes place in space. You are competing against an AI to get the most stars in limited amount of time. To win you must have the most points at the end of the level or else you cannot move on to the next level.